No matter what type of business you run, having a great website is an absolute must. Consider how high street retail shops work: they have a physical shop for customers to browse in, a team of staff to advise on products or services and process transactions, and a head office handling customer complaints and running the legal and financial aspects of running the business.

Your website needs to be all these things.

It has to be the first and last port of call for your customers, a space for them to browse and be advised, to process transactions, and provide clear links to the company’s business practices. And if any one of these things is missing, or difficult to navigate, then say goodbye to your customers!

For small businesses, setting up a functional website on platforms like WordPress or Shopify is simple. But to make your website stand out from the immense crowd of competition, you need to put the work in.

That’s where we come in.

At AAA Digital Marketing, we can handle any platform you might use. What’s more, our specialist consultants are masters at complex computer code languages including PHP, Node, JavaScript, and Python. With our help, we can help you build a responsive and beautiful website for use on computers, tablets, and phones.

This is how:

1. Website Design

To start, we will get to know your business inside and out: what products or services it sells, who you want to sell to and where, and ultimately what you want the website to achieve. This all helps guide us on how to present your website, making sure that we make it look and feel exactly how you want it in order to achieve your aims, presenting your brand and services in a unique and professional manner. As well as this, we will ensure that the website design is easy for you to edit and update.

2. Leads and Revenue-Focused Approach

The purpose of any business is to sell its products and services, and this is something AAA Digital Marketing takes very seriously. We will make sure your website is designed logically to make the customer journey from browsing to purchasing as simple and pain-free as possible. Also, we will design it so that every element of the website, such as call-to-action buttons, contributes to creating and converting leads into sales, helping your revenue, and therefore business, to grow.

3. Optimization for Search Engines

SEO is phenomenally important for any business to see success. Without a coherent and effective strategy, your website will not be anywhere near the top of search engine rankings, meaning you will be losing out on valuable business. We will enhance your organic search visibility, using keyword terms and website design to build your website’s authority so you can be on top of the competition.

4. Multiple Device & Cross Browser Compatibility

Technology has changed massively over the last two decades, with advances in mobile phone technologies turning them from simple communications devices to effectively portable computers. Modern websites and businesses now absolutely must have a mobile-friendly version, as an increasing number of your customers will be browsing either on mobile devices or a tablet. Also, there are dozens of website browsers available, so we will make sure your website functions across all of them.

5. Efficiency

One of the key performance metrics for websites, no matter the scale of the business, is speed, and it’s a metric we at AAA Digital Marketing also value. We know how important it is to have a functional and responsive website as quickly as possible, which is why our expert team will make sure to meet your needs on time and within budget, keeping you constantly involved so we can help you make your website what you want it to be.

AAA Digital Marketing loves working with small businesses like yours, and we strive to turn your passion into our passion. Like high street retail, getting your website – your shop front – to be logical, functional, and professional is a must for any business to succeed, and success is our business.

With our expert web design services, we can help you turn your business dreams into reality, getting you more leads and increased revenue whilst putting you ahead of your competition.